Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki

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Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki
You can't see me!

This character has no official visual representation whatsoever — yet, at least.

Joey is one of Russell Clay's classmates, though being considerably older than Russell, he's presumably been held back several grades. A jerk, he hangs out with his similarly jerky classmates Johnny and Steve, though he's the more observant of the trio. He has red hair and wears glasses.


Sideswipe Versus Thunderhoof[]

Joey and his friends were loitering around the scrapyard when they encountered Russell and suggested they might claim the scrapyard as a hangout. When Denny had something to say about that, they were prepared to leave until Joey spotted Grimlock. Though Denny claimed that Grimlock was a prop from a Japanese kaiju movie, Joey commented that it looked more like a dinosaur. After Grimlock became terrified by Steve's tattoo of a cat wearing a space suit, the three boys were scared off by the Autobots revving their engines.
